This guide helps you to learn more about the each property of ReactiveSearch API and explains that how to use those properties to build the query for different use-cases.

This guide is specific to the keys supported for the ElasticSearch engine.

ReactiveSearch API request body can be divided into two parts, query and settings. The query key is an Array of objects where each object represents a ReactiveSearch query to retrieve the results. Settings(settings) is an optional key which can be used to control the search experience. Here is an example of the request body of ReactiveSearch API to get the results for which the title field matches with iphone.

    query: [{
        id: "phone-search",
        dataField: "title",
        size: 10,
        value: "iphone"
    settings: { // optional
        recordAnalytics: true, // to enable the analytics
        enableQueryRules: true, // to enable the query rules


This is a required field

Supported Engines Not dependent on engine, works for all.


This is a required field

Supported Engines elasticsearch, mongodb, solr, opensearch

The unique identifier for the query can be referenced in the react property of other queries. The response of the ReactiveSearch API is a map of query ids to Elasticsearch response which means that id is also useful to retrieve the response for a particular query.


Applicable on query of type


string all true


Supported Engines elasticsearch, mongodb, solr, opensearch

This property represents the type of the query which is defaults to search, valid values are search, suggestion, term, range & geo. You can read more here.


Applicable on query of type


string all false

Following values are supported for this field

search, term, range, geo, suggestion


Supported Engines elasticsearch, mongodb, solr, opensearch

To specify dependent queries to update that particular query for which the react prop is defined. You can read more about it here.


Applicable on query of type



Object all false

Example Playground:


This property can be used to enable the highlighting in the returned results. If set to false, highlightField and highlightConfig values will be ignored.


Applicable on query of type


bool all false

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Supported Engines elasticsearch, mongodb, solr, opensearch

Sets the query format, can be or, and and date format. Defaults to or.

  • or returns all the results matching any of the search query text's parameters. For example, searching for "bat man" with or will return all the results matching either "bat" or "man".

  • On the other hand with and, only results matching both "bat" and "man" will be returned. It returns the results matching all of the search query text's parameters."

  • queryFormat can be set as Elasticsearch date format for range type of queries. It allows Elasticsearch to parse the range values (dates) to a specified format before querying the data. You can find the valid date formats at here.


Applicable on query of type


string all false

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Supported Engines elasticsearch, mongodb, solr, opensearch

database field(s) to be queried against, useful for applying search across multiple fields. It accepts the following formats:

  • string
  • DataField
  • Array<string|DataField>

The DataField type has the following shape:

type DataField = {
    field: string;
    weight: float;

For examples,

  1. dataField without field weights
    dataField: ['title', '']
  1. dataField with field weights
    dataField: [
            "field": "title",
            "weight": 1
            "field": "",
            "weight": 3
  1. dataField with and without field weights
    dataField: [
            "field": "title",
            "weight": 1
            "field": "",
            "weight": 3


Applicable on query of type


`string DataField Array`

Note: Multiple dataFields are not applicable for term and geo queries.

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Supported Engines elasticsearch, mongodb, opensearch

Data field whose values are used to provide category specific suggestions.


Applicable on query of type


string search,suggestion false


The aggregationSize property can be used to control the size of category suggestions.

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Supported Engines elasticsearch, mongodb, opensearch

This is the selected category value. It is used for informing the search result.


Applicable on query of type


string search,suggestion false

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Supported Engines elasticsearch, opensearch

To set the search weight for the database fields, useful when you are using more than one dataField. This prop accepts an array of floats. A higher number implies a higher relevance weight for the corresponding field in the search results.

For example, the below query has two data fields defined and each field has a different field weight.

    query: [{
        id: "book-search",
        dataField: ["original_title", "description"],
        fieldWeights: [3, 1],
        value: "harry"


Applicable on query of type


Array<int> search,suggestion false

Note: The fieldWeights property has been marked as deprecated in v7.47.0 and would be removed in the next major version of We recommend you to use the dataField property to define the weights.


Supported Engines elasticsearch, mongodb, opensearch

Set the path of the nested type under which the dataField is present. Only applicable only when the field(s) specified in the dataField is(are) present under a nested type mapping.


Applicable on query of type


string all false

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Supported Engines elasticsearch, mongodb, solr, opensearch

Starting document offset. Defaults to 0.


Applicable on query of type


int search,suggestion,geo,range false

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Supported Engines elasticsearch, mongodb, solr, opensearch

To set the number of results to be returned by a query.


Applicable on query of type


int all false

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Supported Engines elasticsearch, mongodb, solr, opensearch

To set the number of buckets to be returned by aggregations.


Applicable on query of type


int term false


  1. This property can also be used for search and suggestion type of queries when aggregationField or categoryField is set.
  2. This is a new feature and only available for appbase versions >= 7.41.0.

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Supported Engines elasticsearch, mongodb, solr, opensearch

This property can be used to sort the results in a particular format. The valid values are:

  • asc, sorts the results in ascending order,
  • desc, sorts the results in descending order,
  • count, sorts the aggregations by count.


Applicable on query of type


string all* false


Please note that the count value can only be applied when the query type is of term. In addition, the pagination property for the query needs to be set to false (default behavior). When pagination is true, a composite aggregation is used under the hood, which doesn't support ordering by count.

The sortBy value by default is set according to the following criterion:

  • If field is _score, set as desc.
  • If field is anything other than _score, set as asc

Following values are supported for this field

asc, desc, count

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Supported Engines elasticsearch, solr, opensearch

This field should indicate the field that sort will be applied to. If not passed, then the first entry in the dataField (if passed as object or array) or the dataField itself (if passed as string) will be used.


Applicable on query of type



String, array of strings, array of string and objects all false

The sortField key accepts different types of values:

1. string

String can be passed where the string is a dataField where sorting is supposed to be done on, following is an example:

    "sortField": "title"

In the above example, title is the dataField on which sorting will be done.

In the above example, the sorting method will be the value of sortBy (if passed) else the default value (which is asc for any field other than _score).

2. Array of string

An array of string can also be passed. This can be done in the following way:

    "sortField": [

In the above example, title, author and price are valid dataFields on which sorting will be done.

In the above example, the sorting order will be based on the value of sortBy key if passed, or default to asc order. _score is a special field to sort by relevance, if specified, it is always sorted in desc order

3. Array of string / object

sortField also accepts a combined array where some fields are passed as object. Following is an example:

    "sortField": [
        {"author": "desc"},
        {"price": "asc"}

In the above example, the sort order for title field will be asc (i.e. ascending). For the other fields, it will be as passed. The object should have the dataField as the key and the sort order as its value, only asc or desc are valid values here.


Supported Engines elasticsearch, mongodb, solr, opensearch

Represents the value for a particular query type, each kind of query has the different type of value format.


Applicable on query of type



any all false

You can check the value format for different type of queries:

format for search and suggestion type

The value can be a string or int. Example Playground:

format for term type

The value can be a string or Array<string>. Example Playground:

format for range type

The value should be an Object in the following shape:

   "start": int | double | date, // optional
   "end": int | double | date, // optional
   "boost": int


Either start or end property must present in the value.

Example Playground:

format for geo type

The value should be an Object in the following shape:

   // The following properties can be used to get the results within a particular distance and location.
   "distance": int,
   "location": string, // must be in `{lat}, {lon}` format
   "unit": string,
   // The following properties can be used to get the results for a particular geo bounding box.
   "geoBoundingBox": {
       topLeft: string, // required, must be in `{lat}, {lon}` format
       bottomRight: string, // required, must be in `{lat}, {lon}` format

Note: The geoBoundingBox property can not be used with location property, if both are defined than geoBoundingBox value will be ignored.

The below example represents a geo distance query:

        "id": "distance_filter",
        "type": "geo",
        "dataField": ["location"],
        "value":  {
            "location":"22.3184816, 73.17065699999999",
            "unit": "mi/yd/ft/km/m/cm/mm/nmi"

The below example represents a geo bounding box query:

        "id": "bounding_box_filter",
        "type": "geo",
        "dataField": ["location"],
        "value":  {
            "geoBoundingBox": {
                "topLeft": "40.73, -74.1",
                "bottomRight": "40.01, -71.12",

Example Playground:


Supported Engines elasticsearch, mongodb, opensearch

aggregationField enables you to get DISTINCT results (useful when you are dealing with sessions, events, and logs type data). It utilizes composite aggregations which are newly introduced in ES v6 and offer vast performance benefits over a traditional terms aggregation.


Applicable on query of type


string all false

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Supported Engines elasticsearch, mongodb, opensearch

This property can be used to implement the pagination for aggregations. We use the composite aggregations of Elasticsearch to execute the aggregations' query, the response of composite aggregations includes a key named after_key which can be used to fetch the next set of aggregations for the same query. You can read more about the pagination for composite aggregations at here.

You need to define the after property in the next request to retrieve the next set of aggregations.


Applicable on query of type


Object all false

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Supported Engines elasticsearch, mongodb, solr, opensearch

If you have sparse data or documents or items not having the value in the specified field or mapping, then this prop enables you to show that data.


Applicable on query of type


bool range false

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Supported Engines elasticsearch, mongodb, solr, opensearch

Data fields to be included in search results. Defaults to [*] which means all fields are included.


Applicable on query of type



Array<string> all false

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Supported Engines elasticsearch, mongodb, solr, opensearch

Data fields to be excluded in search results.


Applicable on query of type



Array<string> all false

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Supported Engines elasticsearch, mongodb, opensearch

Useful for showing the correct results for an incorrect search parameter by taking the fuzziness into account. For example, with a substitution of one character, fox can become box. Read more about it in the elastic search


Applicable on query of type


`int string` search, suggestion


This property doesn't work when the value of queryFormat property is set to and."

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Supported Engines elasticsearch, mongodb, opensearch

Defaults to false. If set to true then you can use special characters in the search query to enable an advanced search behavior. Read more about it here.


Applicable on query of type


bool search,suggestion false

Note: If both properties searchOperators and queryString are set to true then queryString will have the priority over searchOperators.

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Supported Engines elasticsearch, mongodb, solr, opensearch

This property can be used to enable the highlighting in the returned results. If set to false, highlightField and highlightConfig values will be ignored.


Applicable on query of type


bool all false

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Supported Engines elasticsearch, mongodb, solr, opensearch

When highlighting is enabled, this property allows specifying the fields which should be returned with the matching highlights. When not specified, it defaults to apply highlights on the field(s) specified in the dataField prop.


Applicable on query of type


Array<string> all false

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Supported Engines elasticsearch, opensearch


Supported Engines elasticsearch, mongodb, solr, opensearch

It can be used to set the custom highlight settings. You can read the Elasticsearch docs for the highlight options at here.


Applicable on query of type


Object all false

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Supported Engines elasticsearch, mongodb, solr, opensearch

To set the histogram bar interval, applicable when aggregations value is set to ["histogram"]. Defaults to Math.ceil((range.end - range.start) / 100) || 1.


Applicable on query of type


int range false

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Supported Engines elasticsearch, mongodb, solr, opensearch

It helps you to utilize the built-in aggregations for range type of queries directly, valid values are:

  • max: to retrieve the maximum value for a dataField,
  • min: to retrieve the minimum value for a dataField,
  • histogram: to retrieve the histogram aggregations for a particular interval


Applicable on query of type


Array<string> range false

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Supported Engines elasticsearch, mongodb, opensearch

Defaults to N/A. It allows you to specify a custom label to show when showMissing is set to true.


Applicable on query of type


string term false

Note: This property doesn't work when pagination is set to true.

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Supported Engines elasticsearch, mongodb, solr, opensearch

Defaults to false. When set to true then it also retrieves the aggregations for missing fields.


Applicable on query of type


bool term false

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Supported Engines elasticsearch, mongodb, solr, opensearch

This property is useful to customize the source query, as defined in Elasticsearch Query DSL. It is different from the customQuery in a way that it doesn't get leaked to other queries(dependent queries by react prop) and only modifies the query for which it has been applied.

You can read more about the defaultQuery usage over here.


Applicable on query of type


Object all false

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Supported Engines elasticsearch, mongodb, solr, opensearch

Custom query property will be applied to the dependent queries by react property, as defined in Elasticsearch Query DSL. You can read more about the customQuery usage over here.


It'll not affect that particular query for which it has been defined, it'll only affect the query for dependent queries. If you want to customize the source query then use the defaultQuery property instead.


Applicable on query of type


Object all false

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Supported Engines elasticsearch, mongodb, solr, opensearch

Sometimes it may require that you want to apply some query for results with the help of react property but want to avoid any un-necessary query execution for the performance reasons. If you set execute to false for a particular query then you can use it with react prop without executing it. For example, consider a scenario where we want to filter the search query by some range. To implement it with RS API we need to define two queries(search & range type). Since you defined the two queries then by default both queries will get executed, however you can avoid this by setting execute to false for the range query.


Applicable on query of type


bool all false

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Supported Engines elasticsearch, mongodb, solr, opensearch

This property can be used to control (enable/disable) the synonyms behavior for a particular query. Defaults to true, if set to false then fields having .synonyms suffix will not affect the query.


Applicable on query of type


bool search,suggestion false

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Supported Engines elasticsearch, mongodb, opensearch

This property allows you to add a new property in the list with a particular value in such a way that when selected i.e value is similar/contains to that label(selectAllLabel) then term query will make sure that the field exists in the results.


Applicable on query of type


string term false

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Supported Engines elasticsearch, mongodb, opensearch

This property allows you to implement the pagination for term type of queries. If pagination is set to true then appbase will use the composite aggregations of Elasticsearch instead of terms aggregations.


Applicable on query of type


bool term false


  1. Sort by as count doesn't work with composite aggregations i.e when pagination is set to true.
  2. The missingLabel property also won't work when composite aggregations have been used.

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Supported Engines elasticsearch, mongodb, opensearch

Defaults to false. If set to true than it allows you to create a complex search that includes wildcard characters, searches across multiple fields, and more. Read more about it here.


Applicable on query of type


bool search,suggestion false

Note: If both properties searchOperators and queryString are set to true then queryString will have the priority over searchOperators.

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Supported Engines elasticsearch, opensearch

This property allows you to define the Elasticsearch rank feature query to boost the relevance score of documents based on the rank_feature fields.


Applicable on query of type


object search,suggestion false

The rankFeature object must be in the following shape:

    "field_name": {
        "boost": 1.0,
        "function_name": "function_object"
  • field_name It represents the dataField that has the rank_feature or rank_features mapping.
  • boost [optional] A floating point number (shouldn't be negative) that is used to decrease (if the value is between 0 and 1) or increase relevance scores (if the value is greater than 1). Defaults to 1.
  • function_name To calculate relevance scores based on rank feature fields, the rank_feature query supports the following mathematical functions:
  • function_object The function object can be used to override the default values for functions.
    • saturation function supports the pivot property that must be greater than zero.
    • log function supports the scaling_factor property
    • sigmoid function supports pivot and exponent[must be positive] properties

The following example uses a rank feature field named pagerank with saturation function.

        "id": "search",
        "dataField": ["content"],
        "value": "2016",
        "rankFeature": {
            "pagerank": {
                "saturation": {
                    "pivot": 2

The following example uses the boost property to boost the relevance score based on the pagerank field.

        "id": "search",
        "dataField": ["content"],
        "value": "2016",
        "rankFeature": {
            "pagerank": {
                "boost": 2.0

The following example uses all three functions (saturation, log and sigmoid) to boost the relevance scores.

    "query": [
            "id": "search",
            "dataField": [
            "value": "2016",
            "rankFeature": {
                "pagerank": {
                    "saturation": {
                        "pivot": 2
                "url_length": {
                    "log": {
                        "scaling_factor": 1
                "topics.sports": {
                    "sigmoid": {
                        "pivot": 2,
                        "exponent": 1

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Supported Engines elasticsearch, opensearch

This property returns only the distinct value documents for the specified field. It is equivalent to the DISTINCT clause in SQL. It internally uses the collapse feature of Elasticsearch. You can read more about it over here.


Applicable on query of type


string all false

The following query would return the products for distinct brands.

    "query": [
            "id": "test",
            "dataField": [
            "distinctField": "brand.keyword",

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Supported Engines elasticsearch, opensearch

This property allows specifying additional options to the distinctField property. Using the allowed DSL, one can specify how to return K distinct values (default value of K=1), sort them by a specific order, or return a second level of distinct values. distinctFieldConfig object corresponds to the inner_hits key's DSL. You can read more about it over here.


Applicable on query of type


object all false

The following query would return the products for distinct brands. Additionally, it would return the top five products for each brand.

    "query": [
            "id": "test",
            "dataField": [
            "distinctField": "brand.keyword",
            "distinctFieldConfig": {
                "inner_hits": {
                    "name": "most_recent",
                    "size": 5,
                    "sort": [
                            "crawl_timestamp.keyword": "asc"
                "max_concurrent_group_searches": 4

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Supported Engines elasticsearch, mongodb, opensearch

The index property can be used to explicitly specify an index for a particular query. It is suitable for use-cases where you want to fetch results from more than one index in a single ReactiveSearch API request. The default value for the index is set to the index path variable defined in the URL.


Applicable on query of type


string all false

Let's take this example to see how this works:

URL: /my-index/_reactivesearch.v3

	"query": [
		 "id": "search",
		 "type": "search",
		 "id": "facet",
		 "type": "term",
		 "index": "optimized-facet-index"

Here, the first query uses the my-index index to query against, as specified in the request URL. However, the second query will use the optimized-facet-index index as specified by the index key in it.

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Supported Engines elasticsearch, opensearch

When set to true, recent searches are returned as suggestions as per the recent suggestions config (either defaults, or as set through recentSuggestionsConfig or via Recent Suggestions settings in the control plane).


Applicable on query of type



bool suggestion false


Supported Engines elasticsearch, opensearch

Specify additional options for fetching recent suggestions. It can accept the following keys:

  • size: int Maximum number of recent suggestions to return. Defaults to 5.

  • minHits: int Return only recent searches that returned at least minHits results. There is no default minimum hits-based restriction.

  • minChars: int Return only recent suggestions that have minimum characters, as set in this property. There is no default minimum character-based restriction.

  • index: string Index(es) from which to return the recent suggestions from. Defaults to the entire cluster.

Note: It is possible to define multiple indices using comma separated pattern, for e.g products,categories.

  • customEvents Object Custom analytics events to filter the recent suggestions.

For example,

    "recentSuggestionsConfig": {
        "customEvents": {
            "browser": "Chrome",
            "user_id": ""

sectionLabel: string To define the section title for recent suggestions.


Applicable on query of type


Object suggestion false

sectionLabel: string To define the section title for popular suggestions.

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Supported Engines elasticsearch, mongodb, solr, opensearch

When set to true, popular searches based on aggregate end-user data are returned as suggestions as per the popular suggestions config (either defaults, or as set through popularSuggestionsConfig or via Popular Suggestions settings in the control plane)


Applicable on query of type


bool suggestion false


Supported Engines elasticsearch, solr, opensearch

Specify additional options for fetching popular suggestions. It can accept the following keys:

  • size: int Maximum number of popular suggestions to return. Defaults to 5.

  • minCount: int Return only popular suggestions that have been searched at least minCount times. There is no default minimum count-based restriction.

  • minChars: int Return only popular suggestions that have minimum characters, as set in this property. There is no default minimum character-based restriction.

  • showGlobal: Boolean Defaults to true. When set to false, return popular suggestions only based on the current user's past searches.

  • index: string Index(es) from which to return the popular suggestions from. Defaults to searching the entire cluster.

Note: It is possible to define multiple indices using a comma separated pattern, for e.g products,categories.

  • customEvents Object Custom analytics events to filter the popular suggestions.

For example,

    "popularSuggestionsConfig": {
        "customEvents": {
            "browser": "Chrome",
            "user_id": ""

sectionLabel: string To define the section title for popular suggestions.


Applicable on query of type


Object suggestion false

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Supported Engines elasticsearch, solr, opensearch


Supported Engines elasticsearch, solr, opensearch

When set to true, it predicts the next relevant words from the value of a field based on the search query typed by the user. When set to false (default), the matching document field's value would be displayed.


Applicable on query of type


bool suggestion false


Supported Engines elasticsearch, solr, opensearch

Defaults to 2. This property allows configuring the maximum number of relevant words that are predicted. Valid values are between [1, 5].


Applicable on query of type


int suggestion false


Supported Engines elasticsearch, solr, opensearch

Data field whose value contains a URL. This is a convenience prop that allows returning the URL value in the suggestion's response.


Applicable on query of type


string suggestion false

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Supported Engines elasticsearch, solr, opensearch

When set to true, it would not predict a suggestion which starts or ends with a stopword. You can use searchLanguage property to apply language specific stopwords.


Applicable on query of type


bool suggestion false


Supported Engines elasticsearch, solr, opensearch

It allows you to define a list of custom stopwords. You can also set it through Index settings in the control plane.


Applicable on query of type


array suggestion false


Supported Engines elasticsearch, solr, opensearch

Search language is useful to apply language specific stopwords for predictive suggestions. Defaults to english language.

We support following languages:


Applicable on query of type


string suggestion false


Supported Engines elasticsearch, solr, opensearch


Supported Engines elasticsearch, opensearch

This field indicates the script to run while reordering the results. This script will be executed through ElasticSearch/OpenSearch directly and won't be run by ReactiveSearch.

Type Applicable on query of type Required
string search, suggestion false


For ElasticSearch, the script should be written in painless. By default the value is set to:

cosineSimilarity(params.queryVector, params.dataField) + 1.0

Following is an example to pass the above script:

    "query": [
            "value": "sudoku",
            "vectorDataField": "name_vector",
            "queryVector": [1.0, -0.3],
            "script": "cosineSimilarity(params.queryVector, params.dataField) + 1.0"


For OpenSearch, the script can be one of the following values:

  1. l2
  2. l1
  3. cosinesimil
  4. hammingbit

The default is set to cosinesimil.

Following is an example to pass the script field for opensearch

    "query": [
            "value": "sudoku",
            "vectorDataField": "name_vector",
            "queryVector": [1.0, -0.3],
            "script": "cosinesimil"


Supported Engines elasticsearch, opensearch

Specify a vector to match for the reordering the results using kNN (k-Nearest Neighbor). This is a required field in order to invoke reordering of results using the kNN functionality provided by ElasticSearch/OpenSearch.

Type Applicable on query of type Required
array of float search, suggestion false

This field should contain a vector with the same dimensions as the one that is stored in the index.

If dimensions passed are incorrect, ElasticSearch/OpenSearch will raise an error.

Following is an example of how queryVector can be passed:

    "query": [
            "value": "sudoku",
            "queryVector": 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Supported Engines elasticsearch, opensearch

This field indicates the name of the field in the index that is supposed to be used in order to reorder the results using kNN provided by OpenSearch/ElasticSearch.

This is a required field in order to invoke the kNN reordering.

This field should be of type:

  • dense_vector for ElasticSearch
  • knn_vector for OpenSearch
Type Applicable on query of type Required
string search, suggestion false

Following is an example of passing this field along with the queryVector field.

We are assuming that the name_vector field is present in the index and this field is of the desired type to store vector data.

    "query": [
            "value": "sudoku",
            "vectorDataField": "name_vector",
            "queryVector": [1.0, -0.1, ...]


Supported Engines elasticsearch, opensearch

This indicates the number of candidates to consider while using the script_score functionality to reorder the results using kNN provided by ElasticSearch/OpenSearch.

Type Applicable on query of type Required
int search, suggestion false

This field can be an integer. The default value is set to 10.


Supported Engines elasticsearch, solr, opensearch

When set to true, featured searches are returned as suggestions as per the featured suggestions config (either defaults, or as set through featuredSuggestionsConfig.


Applicable on query of type


bool suggestion false


Supported Engines elasticsearch, solr, opensearch

To define options to apply featured suggestions. It can accept the following keys:

  • featuredSuggestionsGroupId: string The featured suggestions group id is required to apply the featured suggestions. A featured suggestion group is a collection of featured suggestions.

Endpoint to create a featured suggestions group:

  • maxSuggestionsPerSection: int To restrict the number of featured suggestions per section.

  • sectionsOrder: Array<string> To define the order of sections to be displayed in UI. For e.g, [\'document\', \'pages\', \'help\'].


Applicable on query of type


Object suggestion false


Supported Engines elasticsearch, solr, opensearch

This property can be used to disable the index suggestions. If set the false, Appbase would not query the search backend to fetch the suggestions.


Applicable on query of type


bool suggestion false


Supported Engines elasticsearch, solr, opensearch


Supported Engines elasticsearch, solr, opensearch

Specify the additional options for index suggestions. It accepts following keys:

sectionLabel: string To define the section title for index suggestions.


Applicable on query of type


Object suggestion false


Supported Engines elasticsearch, solr, opensearch

This flag tells RS whether to use the deep pagination functionality provided by the Backend to extract more than 10k results.

More about deepPagination can be read here for ElasticSearch

More about deepPagination can be read here for Solr


Applicable on query of type


Boolean all false


Supported Engines elasticsearch, solr, opensearch

Specify the configuration for using deep pagination in the respective backend.


For ElasticSearch, the deepPaginationConfig.cursor field should contain the sort array's first element of the last hits.hits item.

So if hits.hits is of length 10, then the deepPaginationConfig.cursor should be the sort field of the 9th index item of the search result.

More can be read about it here

Note that it is important to use sorting by passing the sortBy and/or sortField value to get the sort field in the response.


For Solr, the deepPaginationConfig.cursor field should contain the nextCursorMark value received in the root of the response body in the first request.

More can be read about it here

Note that it is important to use sorting by passing the sortBy and/or sortField value to get the nextCursorMark field in the response.


Applicable on query of type


Object all false


Supported Engines elasticsearch, solr, opensearch

This field indicates the backend of ReactiveSearch. Backend implies the search service being used to store the data.

As of now, the backend field supports the following values:

  1. elasticsearch: ElasticSearch
  2. opensearch: OpenSearch

where elasticsearch is the default value.

This field is necessary if backend is OpenSearch and the kNN reordering of scripts are to be used.

Following example indicates how to use this field to use kNN reordering with OpenSearch as backend:

    "query": [
            "value": "sudoku",
            "vectorDataField": "name_vector",
            "queryVector": [1.0, -0.2],
    "settings": {
        "backend": "opensearch"


Supported Engines elasticsearch, solr, opensearch

This fields indicates which values should be included in the terms aggregation (if done so). Only applied for term type of queries.

This should be of type array of strings:

    "query": [{
        "includeValues": ["someterm"]

NOTE: The string can be a regex as well but only for ElasticSearch backend, not Solr.


For ElasticSearch this maps to the include field inside the term query.


For Solr, this maps to the facet.contains field.


Supported Engines elasticsearch, opensearch

This fields indicates which values should not be included in the terms aggregation (if done so). Only applied for term type of queries.

This should be of type array of strings:

    "query": [{
        "excludeValues": ["someterm"]

NOTE: The string can be a regex as well but only for ElasticSearch backend, not Solr.


For ElasticSearch this maps to the exclude field inside the term query.


For Solr, this maps to the facet.excludeTerms field.


Supported Engines elasticsearch, opensearch


Supported Engines Not dependent on engine, works for all.


Supported Engines elasticsearch, solr, opensearch

bool defaults to false. If true then it'll enable the recording of analytics.


Supported Engines elasticsearch, opensearch

String It allows you to define the user id which will be used to record the analytics.


Supported Engines elasticsearch, opensearch

Object It allows you to set the custom events which can be used to build your own analytics on top of the analytics. Further, these events can be used to filter the analytics stats from the dashboard. In the below example, we're setting up two custom events that will be recorded with each search request.

    query: [...],
    settings: {
        customEvents: {
            platform: "android",
            user_segment: "paid"


Supported Engines elasticsearch, opensearch

bool defaults to true. It allows you to configure whether to apply the query rules for a particular query or not.


Supported Engines elasticsearch, opensearch

bool defaults to true. It allows you to configure whether to apply the search relevancy or not.


Supported Engines elasticsearch, opensearch

Boolean This property when set allows you to cache the current search query. The useCache property takes precedence irrespective of whether caching is enabled or disabled via the dashboard.

Try out an example in ReactiveSearch Playground


Supported Engines elasticsearch, opensearch


Supported Engines elasticsearch, solr, opensearch

This field indicates the backend of ReactiveSearch. Backend implies the search service being used to store the data.

As of now, the backend field supports the following values:

  1. elasticsearch: ElasticSearch
  2. opensearch: OpenSearch

where elasticsearch is the default value.

This field is necessary if backend is OpenSearch and the kNN reordering of scripts are to be used.

Following example indicates how to use this field to use kNN reordering with OpenSearch as backend:

    "query": [
            "value": "sudoku",
            "vectorDataField": "name_vector",
            "queryVector": [1.0, -0.2],
    "settings": {
        "backend": "opensearch"

Following values are supported for this field

elasticsearch, opensearch, mongodb, solr


Supported Engines Not dependent on engine, works for all.